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Thursday, September 23, 2004

Gonna ban your Bible!

Here's the Republican National Committee's despicable "banned Bible" mailing, which is showing up not only in West Virginia but in Arkansas, too. Folks, liberals have been arguing that we, too, should be reading our Bibles — not banning yours. (Thanks, Tapped!)

Copyright © 2004 by Philocrites | Posted 23 September 2004 at 6:32 PM

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Next: Everything's coming up roses.




September 28, 2004 01:38 PM | Permalink for this comment

Check out this editorial from the Wilmington, N.C., Star-News in response to the RNC mailings. It's entitled "Holy Cow, What Next?":

Now the people of Arkansas and West Virginia know what the Republican National Committee thinks of them: that they're ignorant, stupid, prejudiced hayseeds who can be conned. . . .

Possibly the next mailing from the Republican National Committee will warn that if "liberals" get elected, they will seize first-born sons and bus them to racially integrated government schools where they will be forced to marry other little boys, worship the devil, drink fluoridated water, burn the flag – and learn French.

(Thanks, Jesus Politics!)

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