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Thursday, June 30, 2005

About advertising on this site.

I noticed more reports of bloggers taking cash to promote products, events, or services without disclosing the payments. Shame on you! Which brings us to this brief statement about advertising and promotion here at Philocrites:

I will not write and have not written promotional entries on this site about products, services, or events in exchange for payment. I'm happy to receive your suggestions about things you think I might appreciate, but I only promote events or goods that I find appealing on their own merits. (I'm highly selective about press releases, too, although I'm happy to hear what your group is doing. You may also be interested in UUBlogs-PR, the email distribution list for UU bloggers.)

This site features several varieties of advertisements that generate revenue:

  • Sidebar and banner ads for and generate small amounts of revenue whenever a reader purchases a product after clicking through from my site; the Amazon ads, at my request, often feature books about liberal religion.

    When I mention a book editorially, I also include links to at least one of these booksellers. (In some cases I'll link to the UUA Bookstore, which doesn't generate any revenue for the site.) When I mention a book in a blog entry, I've chosen to promote it because I think its content is worth your attention, not because a publisher has paid me to promote it. I have received review copies of books, a few of which I've mentioned, but I will never guarantee to mention or review a book you send me unsolicited.

  • I participate in Google's AdSense program. On many pages you'll see Google text ads, banner ads, and ad links. These ads are provided directly by Google and are clearly marked. Through trial and error, I've attempted to place them and select ad sizes that seem to bring the most relevant and appealing ads to your attention, but I have next to no control over what appears in the ads. [Update 12.1.05:] You can now place advertisements directly on Philocrites using Google AdSense. Here's how.

I have also placed public service advertisements on the site from time to time, including The One Campaign, a broad interfaith campaign to urge the wealthiest nations to commit to relieving extreme poverty in the poorest countries, and MassEquality, which promotes marriage equality in Massachusetts. I do not receive any reimbursement for these ads.

I have not received payment or services in exchange for any other links on this site, and if I come up with a reason to add a link to something in exchange for something else, I'll let you know.

If you would like to advertise on this site, I'd be happy to hear from you. I have not yet signed up with any of the blog ad services because I haven't detected an urgent demand for it, but if my site's 200 daily readers are an audience that interests you, please let me know.

Updated 7.31.09

Copyright © 2005 by Philocrites | Posted 30 June 2005 at 5:39 PM

Previous: Penultimate General Assembly thoughts.
Next: Friday Middle English recipe blogging.




June 30, 2005 07:10 PM | Permalink for this comment

Responded to on my blog.

(I never did get the hang of trackback.)



June 30, 2005 07:55 PM | Permalink for this comment

Yeah, I'm sort of with Chalicechick.

But I do appreciate your sense of propriety!


December 1, 2005 09:37 PM | Permalink for this comment

You can now advertise directly and exclusively on this site through Google AdSense. Here's how.

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