Tuesday, March 9, 2004
Gender and blogging.
The Columbia Journalism Review's Campaign Desk published a fine article yesterday: The Blogosphere: Boys 'n' Their Toys. Brian Montpoli writes:
Men and women, recent studies show, blog in roughly equal numbers. A notable exception: Women are responsible for as little as four percent of political blogs — "sites devoted to politics, current events, foreign policy, and various ongoing wars" — according to the National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education (NITLE).
When it comes to politics and campaign commentary, in other words, the blogosphere looks a little like your high school chess club: Even though everyone's invited to join, you could be forgiven for thinking that someone posted a "No Girls Allowed" sign on the classroom door. . . .
Meantime, outside the world of political reporting and commentary, women continue to storm the barricades of journalism. These days, it's hard to find a mainstream media newsroom that isn't at least 25 percent female, and at several top newspapers the figure hovers around 50 percent. Nationwide, there are more female collegians studying journalism than males.
I like to think that among religion bloggers, the divide is not so stark as among political bloggers. And yet my Guide to UU Blogs currently includes 25 men, 9 women, one transgender person, and a group blog. Which makes me especially glad to welcome Anna's Call and Response. Please feel free to use the comments to this post to call attention to blogs by women that deserve a wider audience. And, as always, if you have a blog that discusses Unitarian Universalism or liberal religion, I'd love to hear from you.
Copyright © 2004 by Philocrites | Posted 9 March 2004 at 5:39 PM
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March 9, 2004 06:36 PM | Permalink for this comment
Hey, thanks for the shout out Chris!
I'm glad a few people whose blogs I frequent are discovering that I'm out here too. I think the blogging community is miraculous in its networking capacity. I have "met" so many people now that have the same interests as me and so many wonderful things to say about them. It is great fun to use commenting on their posts and posting on my blog to have conversations.
For more women religion bloggers, although most are postmodern or progressive Christians and not necessarily UUs, check out my post at http://www.uuchristian.net/callandresponse/archives/000132.html. Visiting the blogs mentioned (they are also linked in my sidebar) and the blogs that are linked on their sites will connect you up with some of the cooler women that are out there talking about religion. I was delighted to find them!
Thanks again, Anna
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