Saturday, January 19, 2008
Laurel Hallman, Peter Morales run for UUA presidency.
Two ministers this month have declared their intentions to run for the presidency of the Unitarian Universalist Association. President Bill Sinkford's second term ends in June 2009; the General Assembly will elect a successor at the 2009 Assembly in Salt Lake City.
Laurel Hallman, senior minister at the First Unitarian Church in Dallas, announced her candidacy in a special congregational meeting on January 6. is her campaign website; here's a video of her announcement.
Peter Morales, senior minister at Jefferson Unitarian Church in Golden, Colo., announced his candidacy in a sermon to his congregation on January 13: "A Religion for Our Time" (mp3). I have not yet heard about a campaign website. [Update 1.28.08: Morales's website is now up:]
Watch for profiles of the candidates next month; the quarterly UU World magazine will profile them in May. (You are signed up for the magazine's weekly email newsletter, right?) is setting up a comprehensive guide to the elections.
Disclosure: As a UUA employee, I will not be expressing any personal opinions about the race or about individual candidates on this site or elsewhere, nor will this site accept paid advertisements related to the elections. You, however, are very welcome to discuss the race.
Copyright © 2008 by Philocrites | Posted 19 January 2008 at 9:54 AM
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January 28, 2008 11:28 AM | Permalink for this comment
Peter Morales's website is now live:
April 8, 2008 01:55 PM | Permalink for this comment
Hallman's website now has a feed. Morales's has a blog with comments and a feed — and his campaign has set up a Facebook group.
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