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Monday, February 27, 2006

This week at

First, an announcement: At long last, offers RSS feeds. I know, I know, you're asking what took so long. One thing that contributed to the delay was that I turned out not to be a very good technical writer: I think I went through four or five drafts of the how-to text before my colleagues said, "Okay, that actually makes sense." I hope you find it useful.

Of course, avid UU blog readers have already been taking advantage of the magazine's RSS feeds through UUpdates and the UU Blogs Digest. But now you can sign up for headlines directly through Bloglines and any number of other RSS-reading services. (Sign up and you'll never have to wait for me to announce what's on the website.) If you're a Windows user who finds talk about RSS mystifying, you may find this version of the latest stories feed the easiest one to use.

Oh, yes, the headlines: This week Jane Greer profiles the oldest Universalist church in America, the 227-year-old Independent Christian Church in Gloucester, Mass., which has slowly but surely been brought back to life. Kathleen McTigue, in a brief excerpt from a new book of meditations about children, reflects on the spiritual challenges of parenting young children. Don Skinner reports on the UUA's two-year initiative to rethink ministry to and with youth. Skinner also reports on the next round of grants to community agencies in the Gulf Coast region from the UUA-UUSC hurricane relief fund. And Sonja Cohen keeps watch on Unitarian Universalists in the media. Enjoy!

(If you have feedback or questions about the RSS feeds, please email

Copyright © 2006 by Philocrites | Posted 27 February 2006 at 10:25 PM

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February 28, 2006 04:54 PM | Permalink for this comment

This press release on the uuworld website just in:


February 28, 2006 05:37 PM | Permalink for this comment

Ah, I saw that earlier today, too. Tomorrow I hope to have some time to flesh that out a bit.

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