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Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Puritan heretic statuary watch!

Biographer Eve LaPlante celebrates Anne Hutchinson in today's Globe: Turns out the statue of the banished Puritan woman, which stands in front of the west wing of the Massachusetts State House, has never been properly dedicated. A ceremony is scheduled for Friday — a mere 85 years after the statue was commissioned, then rejected by the Boston Public Library, then accepted by the state, then disregarded by the Legislature and installed without ceremony. ("A Heretic's Overdue Honor," Eve LaPlante, Boston Globe 9.7.05, reg req'd)

Meanwhile, the statue is inaccessible to the public because the government closed the gardens, the west entrance, and the main entrance to the State House just after 9/11 and has never reopened them. You can see her, with a scope or binoculars, just up the road from the UUA.

Copyright © 2005 by Philocrites | Posted 7 September 2005 at 8:07 AM

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September 7, 2005 02:41 PM | Permalink for this comment

Which reminds me of Roger Williams, whose biography I am reading these days. An amazing personality and a true defender of liberty of conscience. I certainly prefer Williams to the NE Puritans that are so cherished in UU circles.

Jake Morrill:

September 9, 2005 10:39 AM | Permalink for this comment

A good book about Ann Hutchinson is _Ann the Word_, by Richard Francis.

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