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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Could there be more than one Philocrites?

Here's a blogger's dilemma: Let's say that your audience just keeps on growing, despite the allure of mountains to hike and coastlines to visit and cottages to rent and movies to see and whatever else people do during the summertime rather than sit inside looking at a computer screen. (Australian readers have a good excuse: It's winter down under.)

Let's also say that you — the proprietor of one of them new-fangled "Weblogs" — have a really extraordinary number of important things to attend to over the next few weeks and you feel guilty about the thought that you just might have to cut back on your blogging. (The guilt goes down a little with the thought that many of your readers will be very excited about the end product of some of that work, but we'll just have to see.) What should you do?

I'm happy to announce that I will be introducing two guest bloggers this week — the first in three years of philocriticism. I'll tell you about them a bit later (because I like to build suspense), but I wanted to let you know the good news right away. It's good for me because it's fun to share and I'm really looking forward to what my guests have to say, and I think it's good for you because you keep coming back — bless you! — and I want to make sure there's good stuff for you to read even if I need to take a hiatus here or a break there. Public service: That's our goal here at Philocrites Enterprises, Inc. We thank you for your support.

Copyright © 2005 by Philocrites | Posted 19 July 2005 at 8:42 AM

Previous: Christian Alliance for Progress in the news.
Next: UUA Youth Office explains Con Con decision.




July 19, 2005 09:52 AM | Permalink for this comment

Sounds good. Kevin Drum at the Washington Monthly is doing the same thing.


Radical Hapa:

July 19, 2005 10:04 AM | Permalink for this comment

Hey Philocrites -
I think this is also a good idea, and have always liked group blogs, or guest bloggers. Coffee Hour for example, pretty cool.


July 20, 2005 11:39 AM | Permalink for this comment

Good luck with the franchise.


July 20, 2005 08:43 PM | Permalink for this comment

"philocriticism?" LOL! Do you think we can get that term in MS Word's Spell Checker/Dictionary? Well, even if we can't convince Microsoft, it is still a good term for what you have been doing in the UUA blogosphere. It even sparked a question I have to ask: "How many children (blog children, of course) have you fathered?"


July 20, 2005 09:03 PM | Permalink for this comment

Good question, Shawn: How many blog children have I fathered? (Or, as George Lakoff would say, have I nurturantly parented?) My blog parents were Dan Kennedy's now-lapsed Media Log and Josh Marshall's Talking Points Memo. Have I inspired others to get into this business?

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