Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Bloggers at the UUA General Assembly.
It's going to be a challenge to gather all bloggers and would-be bloggers at one time during the June 23-27 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association. For one thing, a bunch of us are leading workshops or discussions listed in the official program — but none of them are about blogging:
- Sharing Our Values in Our Families, Part 1
Phil Lund of Phil's Little Blog on the Prairie
Friday, June 24, 8:00 am - Sharing Our Values in Our Families, Part 2
Phil Lund
Friday, June 24, 9:45 am - The Other Side of the Bridge
Joseph Santos-Lyons of Radical Hapa
Friday, June 24, 9:45 am - Often Left Out: Being Truly Welcoming to Bisexual and Transgender People
Sean Parker Dennison of Ministrare
Saturday, June 25, 11:30 am - Developing Faith, Discerning Gifts
Phil Lund
Saturday, June 25, 11:30 am - Unitarian Universalists in the Military
Greg of (r)evolUUtions
Saturday, June 25, 11:30 am - Small Group Ministry: Beyond the Basics
Peter Freedman Bowden of Adventures in Small Group Ministry
Saturday, June 25, 2:00 pm - Creating an Effective Small Group Ministry Network
Peter Freedman Bowden
Saturday, June 25, 3:45 pm — repeated Sunday, June 26, during Plenary at 3:00 pm - Youth Advisors and Youth Ministers
Rick Roehlk of Rick's Rants
Monday, June 27, 8:30 am
(If you're on the program and maintain a public blog that discusses Unitarian Universalism, I may have overlooked you or not known about you; please let us know about your program in the comments below.)
Donald Wilson, in an earlier comment, pointed to a workshop that will undoubtedly interest many bloggers:
- The Electronic Frontier: Growing UU Via the Web
Gini Courter and Denny Davidoff
Friday, June 24, 12:30 pm
I can easily imagine that session will discuss blogs — but its agenda will be much broader. When could we meet, put some faces to names, and chat about our Interdependent Web? I confess that the only two workshop slots that I can't find a reason to be elsewhere are Saturday 3:45 to 5:00 and Monday morning at 8:30, when I'm sure many of us will be catching up on some sleep. If Saturday afternoon doesn't look promising to you, though, flip through your program and see what other block of free time calls out to you. I know a lot of bloggers are night owls, so we could consider a 10 o'clock social hour somewhere.
Help me brainstorm some options.
Copyright © 2005 by Philocrites | Posted 8 June 2005 at 8:22 PM
Previous: 'Stand by this faith' or just standing by?
Next: 'Suffer the children' indeed.
James Field:
June 9, 2005 12:15 AM | Permalink for this comment
I was thinking about going to the Borden Sermons or to the Panel on Theological Education workshop at that time on Saturday. It also looks like there is a UUCF and a SGM event at that time. Early Monday or late Fri-Sun seem best for me. But then again, its my first time and I will be a delegate so I don't know what to expect really. I just expect a trek for vegan food in Texas. I may just have to mail a food supply like someone hiking the Pacific Crest Trail or the Appalachian Trail.
Michelle Murrain:
June 9, 2005 11:26 PM | Permalink for this comment
What about that cybercafe? I wonder how big it is, and whether we could find a little time in-between things? I just got my program in the mail, and it's a bit overwhelming. I'd be up for a night meeting somewhere, for sure.
Peter Bowden:
June 10, 2005 05:40 PM | Permalink for this comment
In addition to finding a time to get together (a challenge) and trying to attend each others workshops, maybe we could make stickers for UU Bloggers -- like that little UU BLOG rectangle similar to the RSS and other syndication buttons (not sure what they're called). They could be made using transparent return address labels. THEN everyone we see will be like "What the %@$#% is that?" and we can tell them about UU blogs...
Dan Harper:
June 10, 2005 06:54 PM | Permalink for this comment
If we're not careful, we're going to do the classic UU thing of not making a decision. Following up on one of Chris's suggestions above, here's a plan -- and if this won't work, don't just criticize -- propose another very specific plan in its place!
***UU Bloggers, Friday, June 24th, 10:10 p.m.***
(after the Service of the Living Tradition)
***Meet outside the Convention Center Arena (site of SLT), in the lobby leading out onto 9th Street.***
We'll either hang out in the lobby, or move to a more comfy site that has been scouted out by some industrious blogger (and if we move, we'll wait until 10:20, then leave a sign giving our new location).
Be there, Aloha.
James Field:
June 11, 2005 10:32 AM | Permalink for this comment
Dan: I will look for you then. At least you are tall enough to be easier to spot in a crowd.
Scott Wells:
June 11, 2005 02:44 PM | Permalink for this comment
But Dan isn't that tall.
James Field:
June 11, 2005 06:02 PM | Permalink for this comment
Scott: I was grading on the curve.
June 12, 2005 09:34 AM | Permalink for this comment
Here's what we can do: At Friday afternoon's workshop, "The Electronic Frontier," we'll invite people to meet to talk about UU blogging later that night after the Service of the Living Tradition.
The only problem with the lobby plan is that something close to 2,000 people will be coming out those doors. Even with my bright orange hair (all natural!) and the fact that I know Dan, I still think we'll be hard to find. I can make fliers, but does anyone else have a way to make a big sign or poster we can hold up after the service?
By the way, I like Peter's idea to make little nametag stickers with the UU Blogs graphic. I think Chutney at created it.
Phil on the Prairie:
June 14, 2005 11:32 AM | Permalink for this comment
The Friday workshop sounds interesting...I might be able to make it. And I'll keep my post-SLT schedule clear.
June 17, 2005 10:44 PM | Permalink for this comment
I like the after the Service of the Living Tradition idea. At that time, we may be able to get Joey Lyons (I see he's beehind in his reading, I'll ask him). I suggest somewhere we can all find, not the "exit".
How about the message boards, or a registration table?
I'm making stickers with the UUBlogs logo. We'll leave some of them at the Young Adults table.
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