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Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Mrs Philocrites' corner.

My wife is taking a break from the secular life this week, enjoying a retreat with the Society of Saint John the Evangelist, an Episcopal order of monks with a monastery in Harvard Square and a country house in Newbury. (The bishop of Massachusetts is a brother in the order; we sometimes ride into Boston on the same subway car.) So I am reverting to my bachelor ways and listening to loud music. Someday maybe I should try meditation, too. . .

People often ask how Mr and Mrs Philocrites manage their interfaith relationship. We like to say that it's really more of an ecumenical affair, since I tend toward the high-church end of Unitarian Universalism. But it is also true that she and I gravitate to very different aspects of the Christian tradition, which keeps our conversations really interesting. I like the modernists; she loves the medievalists. I learned Greek; she learned Latin. It makes for a funny picture on the couch, as I struggle to understand Science, Truth, and Democracy and she plows through The Brotherhood of the Common Life and Its Influence. When we just can't take it anymore, we watch "King of the Hill." It's a strange marriage, but we say it's what you get from your typical Ukrainian-Italian Episcopalian-Utah Mormon-Unitarian wedding.

But it pains me to tell you that Mrs Philocrites doesn't read the blog. ("What restraint!" I imagine you saying. "What wisdom!" I know you're thinking.) But I have decided to lure her back by adding "Mrs Philocrites' corner" to the menu on the right, featuring some of her favorite sites. Check them out — and tell her you saw them here first!

Copyright © 2003 by Philocrites | Posted 19 August 2003 at 9:10 PM

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