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Sunday, September 18, 2005

October 5 Taize service in memory of Brother Roger.

 Bells call people to evening prayer at Taize I'm so glad to hear that the Harvard Square Clergy will be hosting a Taize-style worship service Wednesday evening, October 5, to honor the life and ministry of Brother Roger Schutz, the founder of the Taize Community. The service will be at 6 o'clock at the Harvard-Epworth United Methodist Church on Mass. Ave. in Cambridge, next door to Harvard Law School. (Come at 5:15 to sing in the choir.)

As I mentioned earlier but haven't had the time to describe properly, Mrs Philocrites and I spent several days at the Taize Community in France with 4,000 or so other people just two weeks before Brother Roger was murdered during the community's evening prayers. (I took this photo of the bell tower just as we arrived the first night; you can see the bells ringing.) Taize was a life-changing experience, and I have been pondering it — such an archaic act, pondering, but I don't have a better word for it — ever since. I'm very grateful that enough of the clergy here in Cambridge have heard of Taize or been there to put this service together.

See also the Christian Century's remembrance of Brother Roger: "A Desire for God" (9.20.05).

Copyright © 2005 by Philocrites | Posted 18 September 2005 at 9:57 PM

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