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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Political typography watch: Praise for Obama, McCain.

Heads up, font fans: Typographers Sam Berlow and Cyrus Highsmith offer their impressions of the typography used by the leading candidates for president, giving Edwards and Giuliani good marks but reserving their highest praise for McCain and Obama, whose logo conveys his theme as well as any politician's I've ever seen. Clinton's type choice, however, "projects recycled establishment," Berlow and Highsmith say. The article doesn't include an image from Romney's campaign online, so I had to go find some Romney gear to see what they found perplexing about his logo: "The eagle logo has the head of the US Postal Service logo and body of the Norwegian flag flowing behind it. Not sure what that means."

("What font says 'Change?'," Sam Berlow and Cyrus Highsmith, Boston Globe 1.27.08)

Copyright © 2008 by Philocrites | Posted 26 January 2008 at 5:06 PM

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January 26, 2008 06:12 PM | Permalink for this comment

Oh, if it were just up to us graphic designers to choose the next president.... what a world that would be.

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