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Saturday, September 24, 2005

Religion news is everywhere these days.

It's getting awfully hard to keep up, don't you think? Here's a small sample of what we stumbled upon in today's papers here at Philocrites Central:

Gay priests: One courageous retired priest in Boston was willing to say openly what many seminarians and priests couldn't say on the record to the Times:

As he walked inside to hear confessions, the Rev. Reginald Redlon, a retired priest who served as rector of a New Hampshire seminary for 10 years, said he is against the proposed papal ban.

"I don't think that gays who are celibate, prayerful, and disciplined should be barred from the seminary," Redlon, 85, said. "They are very often very zealous priests. Everybody has to integrate sexuality into their personal lives, and to discriminate against homosexuals is a mistake."

("Divided Catholics," Charles A. Radin and Anand Vaishnav, Boston Globe 9.24.05, reg req'd; "Gay Men Ponder Impact of Proposal by Vatican," Laurie Goodstein, New York Times 9.23.05, reg req'd)

Agnostic religious artist: Rich Barlow profiles the extraordinary engraver Barry Moser, an agnostic and former fundamentalist preacher (who knew!) who keeps illustrating religious books and acknowledges that his soul is a "wannabe Christian." ("Agnostic Puts Skill to Use for a Friend," Rich Barlow, Boston Globe 9.24.05, reg req'd)

Plus: Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson predicts schism in the Anglican Communion. (Get it over with already, I say.) The unscience of "intelligent design" gets a Pennsylvania court date. And A.O. Scott looks at Hollywood's interest in making "Christian-friendly" films — "Just Like Heaven" and "Emily Rose" most recently.

Finally, the UUSC: Bella English profiles Jennifer Harbury, the anti-torture activist who is helping to host the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee's mock-trial of Donald Rumsfeld, Alberto Gonzalez, and George Tenet in Washington tomorrow. Harbury is also the author of a new Beacon Press book, Truth, Torture, and the American Way: The History and Consequences of U.S. Involvement in Torture (also available from Beacon directly).

Copyright © 2005 by Philocrites | Posted 24 September 2005 at 1:03 PM

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Next: Unitarian Universalist minister-blogger in the news.




September 24, 2005 07:32 PM | Permalink for this comment

I think that Catholic priests should learn to be obedient. This is what their religion is about, and I know it firsthand: obedience, obedience, and obedience. The Pope knows better. Tradition knows better. If individuals do not understand, they should pray and ask for understanding.

My God, these modern Catholics... They will turn Protestant one of these days if they keep asking questions...

Michelle Murrain:

September 25, 2005 02:41 PM | Permalink for this comment

There are a number of Catholic seminaries that are part of the GTU (Graduate Theological Union) - I imagine they are among the most liberal of seminaries, given the general liberalness of all of the seminaries here. I haven't yet had a chance to talk with anyone about the ban, but I wonder what people are talking about here.


September 26, 2005 04:17 PM | Permalink for this comment


[Editor's Note: I've deleted the list of names and addresses left by the commenter. You can read about the "Know Thy Neighbor" movement on their Web site, but I won't endorse this particular approach or publish other voters' names and addresses on this site. --Philocrites]

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