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Wednesday, March 10, 2004

'General Assembly' or 'GA'?

As perhaps the most emphatic opponent of acronyms at my place of work, I lobby for naming things even when they have lapsed into acronymity for most people. Among Unitarian Universalists — "UUs" — that means I'm willing to waste my breath (and inches of type) on phrases like "religious education" (instead of "RE"). But when it comes to our sacred annual convention, what's an anti-acronymist to do?

I know there are more important things to think about today — but I'm still so cold from standing outside the Massachusetts State House with a candle for tonight's MassEquality candlelight rally for the full civil rights of everyone in the state — especially for same-sex couples who want to marry and for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people generally (otherwise known as "GLBT" in ecumenical acronymical circles) — that this is my one flash of insight for the evening:

From now on, I will say "General Assembly" when referring to the legislative body that gathers every June to conduct the business of the Unitarian Universalist Association. (This is what most of my friends and colleagues call the "plenary sessions," when they all flee the convention center and head out for coffee or a nap. I stay because, tedious as they can be, these meetings are the General Assembly.) But I'll stop trying to put up my picket fence against the avalanche of popular support for calling the five-day frenzy of workshops, hobnobbing, conventioneering, and chalice-wearing "GA." I'll call the event GA; but I'll call the assembly of delegates the General Assembly. How's that for clarity?

You can now register for this year's General Assembly, which will be held June 24-28 in Long Beach, California. See you there!

Copyright © 2004 by Philocrites | Posted 10 March 2004 at 8:10 PM

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