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Sunday, December 21, 2003

Collect for bloggers!

From the Internet Prayer files: Progressive Protestant has written a collect for bloggers and invites you to try writing one yourself. (I think this line should certainly be included: "We have followed too much the devices and desires of our own hearts" — but that would make it a prayer of confession, wouldn't it?)

Copyright © 2003 by Philocrites | Posted 21 December 2003 at 1:33 PM

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December 21, 2003 01:45 PM | Permalink for this comment

I like it! I'd say you could keep the prayer a collect by adding that to the basis, though that would require re-writing that part of my collect. (I don't think there's a euphonic way of adding it to the current basis as-is.)


December 21, 2003 05:56 PM | Permalink for this comment

What's the matter with a little general confession for bloggers, Philocrites? The danger of hubris is always present in self-publishing.


December 21, 2003 10:12 PM | Permalink for this comment

Melanie, how many bloggers do you know who criticize themselves? A little confession would take all of us a long way morally — but make us less entertaining to read, pride coming so entertainingly before the fall.


December 22, 2003 10:36 PM | Permalink for this comment

Today I apologized to one commentor, both by email and in public, for having missed a thank you they were owed. It was an oversight. And I called myself for being unclear on another post, in comments, in front of God and everybody.

The chapter of faults is not completely gone.

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