Tuesday, February 12, 2008
This week at uuworld.org: Love, Kenya, Appalachia.
Columnist Meg Barnhouse is wondering why it's hard to let oneself feel loved. She resolves (on alternating days) to stop beating up on herself and on the world.
In the news, Don Skinner reports that a UUSC-UUA delegation to Kenya "visited a camp for thousands of displaced persons, a burned-out water utility headquarters, a burned church where 30 people died, and other scenes of violence." The delegation has returned to the United States and given testimony about what they saw to Congress. (UUSC President Charlie Clements wrote a series of blog posts from Kenya; here's his Congressional testimony [pdf].)
Jane Greer reports that a Kentucky church's youth group raised $6,000 with a benefit concert to call attention to mountaintop removal coal mining in Appalachia. Writer Wendell Berry spoke at the February 2 event.
Sonja Cohen, meanwhile, rounds up another week of Unitarian Universalists in the media.
Copyright © 2008 by Philocrites | Posted 12 February 2008 at 8:28 AM
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Heather Janules:
February 13, 2008 08:53 AM | Permalink for this comment
Via "UUs in the Media," I read the Steven Colbert Wikiality definition of UUism...More evidence that there is a UU insider on the show? The definition has a lot of info that the average bear wouldn't necessarily know. Who is this mole?
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