Wednesday, December 27, 2006
My favorite blog posts of 2006.
Here are my favorite Philocrites posts from the past year, just in case you've run out of year-end reading:
Theology II: What do you want to read? (1.9.06) — a conversation about new forums for theological conversation among Unitarian Universalists
On early Unitarian fears of 'popery' (1.30.06) — 19th-century Unitarians had theological reasons to be wary of Catholicism
The Web and the 2009 UUA presidential race (2.5.06) — a bit of advance thinking on technology and denominational politics
The cowardly superintendent (2.11.06) — when three people from one church complain about the school play, cancelling "The Crucible" shouldn't be your next step
Good news in Jewish-Christian relations (2.20.06) — the collaboration between Andover-Newton Theological School and Hebrew College
A handful of liberal religious definitions (3.11.06) — provisional Unitarian Universalist interpretations of "theology," "religion," "faith," and "worship"
Catholic Charities' tragic gay adoption ban (3.20.06) — making sense of the clash between the free exercise of religion and nondiscrimination laws in Massachusetts
Richard John Neuhaus's deputy turns on him (3.26.06) — Damon Linker denounces First Things, the conservative theology journal he used to edit
Let's try a little collective marketing (4.8.06), How the UU Blogs promotional campaign is going (4.19.06), First month of the UU Blogs ad campaign (5.9.06) — how we launched a Google AdWords campaign
The gospel of forgiveness (4.17.06) — the story of 5-year-old shooting victim Kai Leigh Harriott anchors my Easter reflections
Inherent goodness got you down? (4.25.06) — theological commentary on the mistaken view that "inherent worth and dignity" means "inherently good"
Bush and Colbert, Lear and the Fool (5.2.06) — Shakespearean commentary on the White House Correspondents Dinner
Thursday diversion: Fictional Unitarian Universalists (5.11.06) — because sometimes we just have fun around here
Two cheers for conservative liberals (6.1.06) — making sense of "conservative" Unitarian Universalists
Is it time for 'UU Voice' to abandon paper? (6.1.06) — small UU periodicals are disappearing even as the Web makes their survival economically possible
Scattered thoughts on a divided spiritual identity (7.2.06) — why "Unitarian Universalism" is my faith community but not my religion
A vacation in Pentecost: A sermon about Taize (8.20.06) — why Brother Roger's ecumenical vision inspires me
Episcopal diocese: Get married by someone else (10.21.06) — why I opposed a resolution that would have asked Episcopal priests to stop officiating at marriages in Massachusetts; the proposal, thankfully, was tabled
Is Church 2.0 better or just more digital? (12.14.06) — some questions about innovative approaches to liberal church life
I hope you've enjoyed this site this year. I can't thank you enough for your comments, tips, and letters — and I'm especially grateful to the donors who helped fund the UU Blogs marketing campaign this spring.
Copyright © 2006 by Philocrites | Posted 27 December 2006 at 4:35 PM
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