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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Read 'The Lively Tradition.' That is all.

As Philocrites slouches towards a summer hiatus, I must call your attention to a new blog Unitarian Universalist ministers, seminarians, and lay leaders should be reading: The Lively Tradition. (Welcome back to blogging, LT!)

As for that hiatus, this blog is likely to take a good long break for a few weeks. The spam patrol is frustrating enough that this year, rather than invite good friends to fill in as guest bloggers (and inflict the spam patrol on them), I am toying with the idea of turning comments off while I spend some time ignoring the Internet. I realize a dormant blog is a no-no to Blog Experts, but I figure it's better to invite no comments than leave commenters wondering why their comments are being ignored. I'll probably finish planning the hiatus by the weekend.

Of course, you can be the first to know when I've returned to blogging by signing up for Philocrites email alerts! See that little orange icon over in the sidebar with "Subscribe" next to it? Put your email address in the box and click the subscribe button to get Philo delivered daily. Or you can sign up right here, right now:

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While I'm ignoring the Internet, you can send me things I should pay attention to when I get bored of reading books and admiring trees and architecture. Send links and thoughts to philocrites at gmail dot com.

Copyright © 2006 by Philocrites | Posted 19 July 2006 at 8:18 AM

Previous: This week at Sinkford on worship.
Next: Democracy is on the march. So is God.




July 19, 2006 08:26 AM | Permalink for this comment

Psst: You should also be finding new UU blogs to love by visiting the UU Blog Digest or the even more comprehensive UUpdates aggregator.

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