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Monday, July 3, 2006

This week at Jefferson and Adams.

Just in time for the Fourth of July, Forrest Church wonders what the second and third U.S. presidents (both Unitarians) would make of modern-day American religious politics. (He also shows up in today's Christian Science Monitor in a story about competing interpretations of the founders' religious views.) Also this week, Don Skinner writes about community ministers, who build bridges between Unitarian Universalist congregations and the larger community through their work in social service and advocacy organizations.

In the news, I offer a wrap-up on the UUA's 2006 General Assembly and news blogger Sonja Cohen keeps an eye on UUs in the media.

Copyright © 2006 by Philocrites | Posted 3 July 2006 at 5:22 PM

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Next: Tom Stites on the future of journalism.



h sofia:

July 3, 2006 07:21 PM | Permalink for this comment

I really enjoyed the article on community ministers. I know several seminarians/graduates who want to do community ministry and this article helped me to understand what that actually means.


July 5, 2006 05:35 PM | Permalink for this comment

Wow! Barack Obama is great! Can we have him for President, please?

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