Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Globe religion reporter blogs from Rome.
The Boston Globe's fine religion reporter Michael Paulson is blogging from Rome as Archbishop O'Malley gets his scarlet zucchetto. I hope he keeps it up when he gets back to Boston.
Update: Apparently O'Malley now has his own copy of Michelle Deakin's excellent Skinner House book, Gay Marriage, Real Life: Ten Stories of Love and Family. Paulson writes that Charles Martel, a gay Catholic with the Religious Coalition for the Freedom to Marry, sent Paulson a note in response to his interview with the archbishop. Martel writes:
"A couple of weeks ago I sent O'Malley a letter on RCFM stationery identifying myself as a board member and also as project coordinator of Roman Catholics for the Freedom to Marry. I sent him two books, one about ten gay couples, and one by a lesbian about her life and her marriage to her partner Kathleen. I happened to meet both of these authors at a book reading, and asked each of them to inscribe a note to the archbishop. (neither of them ever imagined that kind of a request!!) I received a letter last week from the archbishop's secretary that was very cordial and gracious, expressing appreciation for sending the books. This is the first time I have ever received any reply to a letter to the archbishop."
Okay, I can't be sure that Martel sent Deakin's book, but the odds are good!
("A Globe conversation with Archbishop O'Malley," Michael Paulson, Boston Globe 3.19.06, reg req'd)
Copyright © 2006 by Philocrites | Posted 22 March 2006 at 5:48 PM
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Pamela Wescott:
March 23, 2006 09:43 AM | Permalink for this comment
Yes,the Cardinal-elect does have a copy of both books including mine, The Love that Shouted for Joy! (iUniverse, October 2005). Charles heard Michelle and I read at Porter Square Books where 56 people attended. That day, I sold 30 books including the one Charles purchased and asked me to inscribe for Archbishop O'Malley. In publishing my book about the decision to marry Kathleen and what this newfound freedom means, I hope to respond to the spiritual challenge put forth by the Catholic Church. We as gay people are experienced in what it means to go through a spiritual awakening, to dig deep, and be ourselves. We have faced the challenge of being the person no one wants us to be. We have much to contribute to a society searching for ways to bring people together, to bridge differences and overcome barriers that keep us apart.
Now here is a question: 100 copies of my book were donated for social change purposes. How can I best distribute these--to legislators, policymakers, others who could benefit by reading a lyrical, life affirming story about how one same-sex marriage in Massachusetts resulted in an outpouring of creative energy and hope for the future.
Link added. --Philo
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