Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Will there be Second Annual UU Blog Awards?
Remember the 2004 Unitarian Universalist Blog Awards? Whew, that was a lot of work — I mean fun! I had so much fun I hope someone else jumps up to lead us in a round of mutual congratulation and backslapping, because I gotta tell ya, this has been a banner year for UU blogs.
All we need is someone to come up with a method to the madness, invite nominations, cook up a voting mechanism that doesn't let people stuff the ballot boxes, and congratulate the winners! Easy! (I wonder if UUpdater could somehow automate this directly off of his list of UU blogs?)
For background on the first annual awards, here's last year's announcement, the award categories we came up with, and all the voting (scattered through the January archives). And here are last year's winners. (Coffee Hour, the group blog where we hosted the voting last year, is on hiatus.)
So who's game?
Copyright © 2005 by Philocrites | Posted 13 December 2005 at 8:16 AM
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Next: Reintroducing a guest blogger.
December 13, 2005 05:50 PM | Permalink for this comment
I am pretty sure I could cook something up, but in fairness I would have to point out that I do only list syndicated sites. There are a handful of UU blogs that do not support syndication. For example BlueUU does not support syndication as far as I can tell (except for comments).
If anyone has a process that they think would work well I could also export the data into almost any format.
But I guess the most important question is are people interested.
Kevin McCulloch:
December 14, 2005 04:31 PM | Permalink for this comment
I've only been following the UU blogosphere closely for a couple of months, but based on what I've seen so far, my vote is for Baar's West Side, for pure tenacity. Go Bill!
December 18, 2005 08:08 AM | Permalink for this comment
The UU blogosphere is so much bigger this year. I do think it would be fun.
Joseph Santos-Lyons:
December 27, 2005 10:24 PM | Permalink for this comment
Yes, I think a survey and awards would be great for further publicity of our UU blogs. And to give some more reader-inspired reasons to check out new blogs. Glad that you're raising the question Chris. UUpdater, I wouldn't worry about you only tracking syndicated blogs, if you set up the system to compile the results, we could include blogs not syndicated?
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