Saturday, January 1, 2005
New Year's reader appreciation day.
Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who visited Philocrites in 2004. (That would be all 56,643 of you, according to my traffic monitor's tally of "unique visitors.") Your visits have delighted and perplexed me — "What are all these people doing here?," I occasionally find myself asking — and I hope you have found something worth the time you've given me. Your comments and e-mails especially have made Year Two of my blogging era enjoyable and illuminating. I hope you keep coming back.
Thanks also for new links in December from Desert Island Boy (a Bahraini-American's "Odyssey of Intellectual Discourse around the Globe"), First Congregational Church of Bakersfield, Calif., Infospigot: The Chronicles (Dan Brekke "celebrating a half century of excellence"), Politics and Culture, Something Beautiful (by a poetry fan), and Swerve Left ("Derisive diatribes," etc.).
I haven't had time to think up a new poll for December's installment of "Meet the Philocritics," but if there's something you'd like to know about your fellow readers, I'm sure I'd be interested, too. So feel free to leave a question you'd like me to ask and I'll use your suggestions in upcoming polls. (Previous installments: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, and Part 6.)
At 7,203 unique visitors, December was the second highest traffic month of 2004, just under November's record-breaking Election Day-related high. I have the sneaking suspicion that a lot of the traffic during the last three months came from comment-spam robots, but even discounting several thousand hits from automated vermin, I've noticed a definite surge from real live, honest to goodness readers, for whom I'm very grateful. A lot of December's traffic was directed to my November 30 post about the United Church of Christ's controversial TV ad, with 344 visits, and a handful of related entries.
Copyright © 2005 by Philocrites | Posted 1 January 2005 at 10:25 PM
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Next: 'As long as we both shall love'?
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