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Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Who is throwing away voter registration forms?

A Las Vegas TV station reports:

Employees of a private voter registration company allege that hundreds, perhaps thousands of voters who may think they are registered will be rudely surprised on election day. The company claims hundreds of registration forms were thrown in the trash.

Anyone who has recently registered or re-registered to vote outside a mall or grocery store or even government building may be affected.

The I-Team has obtained information about an alleged widespread pattern of potential registration fraud aimed at democrats [sic]. Thee [sic] focus of the story is a private registration company called Voters Outreach of America, AKA America Votes.

The out-of-state firm has been in Las Vegas for the past few months, registering voters. It employed up to 300 part-time workers and collected hundreds of registrations per day, but former employees of the company say that Voters Outreach of America only wanted Republican registrations.

Two former workers say they personally witnessed company supervisors rip up and trash registration forms signed by Democrats.

There's more — and Josh Marshall has background on the company involved in the alleged fraud. You'll never believe whose company it is.

Update 10.13.04: Marshall adds that the company that destroyed the voter registration cards not only was hired by the Republican National Committee but claimed — falsely — to be affiliated with a liberal voter registration effort. And Daily Kos has more on the Republican consulting firm behind fraudulent voter registration efforts not just in Nevada but in five other states. Here's the head of the Democratic Party demanding answers from the head of the Republican Party.

Copyright © 2004 by Philocrites | Posted 12 October 2004 at 10:51 PM

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Jeff Wilson:

October 13, 2004 04:11 PM | Permalink for this comment

There's no other way to put it: this is shocking and outrageous. This is the sort of thing that forces me to really work on not hating the Republicans, but simply opposing them and trying to keep the dialogue open and courteous. I did some follow-up reading after finding this post at Philocrites, DailyKos says that this same thing is being done by the Republicans in Oregon and possibly other states as well.

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