Saturday, February 21, 2004
It's a small world.
At lunch on Friday, I was seated near the front door of the newly opened Scollay Square restaurant on Beacon Hill. (Boston history buffs will love the pictures of the old "entertainment" district that was torn down to make room for City Hall and Government Center.) And since Beacon Hill is a small world, it's a great place to watch the famous and infamous gather. One of the lead plaintiffs in Massachusetts' gay marriage case, Hillary Goodridge, came in and sat down at a table near me — in the left side of the restaurant, of course — and not five minutes later, who should walk in but Tom Finneran, the speaker of the House and anti-gay marriage legislator-in-chief! Yes, he headed over to the right. (Finneran, who was unsuccessful in blocking gay marriage in the first consitutional convention, now says he is willing to accept civil unions.)
Meanwhile, on the other side of Beacon Hill, the Secret Service is now keeping an eye on John Kerry's mansion. (Bonus points for Episcopalians: The mansion was an Episcopal convent before it sat vacant and then was renovated by Kerry and his wife.)
Copyright © 2004 by Philocrites | Posted 21 February 2004 at 10:13 AM
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