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Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Peter Gomes speaks truth to power!

The Rev. Prof. Peter J. Gomes :: REUTERS/Jim BourgI couldn't make it into the Massachusetts State House this afternoon — the building was filled to capacity for the 2:00 pro-gay marriage rally by 2:05, so hundreds of us ended up rallying merrily outside. Inside, Peter Gomes (shown here) apparently gave quite an address, but I can't find a copy of his remarks yet. (Do read his Boston Globe op-ed about civil marriage for same-sex couples.) Also among the inside-the-State-House speakers: Stephanie Spellers, a friend from Harvard Divinity School (she worked in admissions when I first applied and took me on a tour of campus) who now is a student at the Episcopal Divinity School. I wish I had heard them both.

If you haven't ever heard Gomes preach, you're missing out — but you can pick up copies of his excellent books: The Good Book: Reading the Bible with Heart and Mind, The Good Life: Truths that Last in Times of Need, and Strength for the Journey: Biblical Wisdom for Daily Living.

Copyright © 2004 by Philocrites | Posted 10 February 2004 at 7:15 PM

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February 10, 2004 10:26 PM | Permalink for this comment

I love his bands. (A pair of 7.5-ers, if I know my stuff.)

Doc Rock:

February 29, 2004 12:06 PM | Permalink for this comment

You can listen to him live on the web Sunday mornings--WHRB 95.1 Cambridge--11AM Cambridge time. Check the program listing on Harvard Memorial Church website--he's not always on.

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