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Sunday, February 1, 2004

What? No Patriots theology watch?

Long-time readers of this site may wonder, after all the fun we had with the Red Sox Theology Watch last fall: Why no Patriots theology watch? I offer a simple explanation, as Mrs Philocrites and I prepare to head off to a Superbowl Party with a group of other clerical types: The Patriots will win. Theology requires at least a dark night of the soul or a passage through the valley of the shadow of death — something Red Sox fans know well — but it doesn't take anything but common sense to root for the Pats.

On the other hand, QB Tom Brady may have jinxed the whole thing by being a prop for the squinty-eyed POTUS. But John Kerry is in a forgiving mood:

"The first thing I'll do when I'm president," Kerry said, "is pardon Brady for going to that State of the Union address."

("Kerry says campaign is striking fear in GOP," David L. Greene, Baltimore Sun 2.1.04)

Copyright © 2004 by Philocrites | Posted 1 February 2004 at 4:02 PM

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February 1, 2004 04:27 PM | Permalink for this comment

Just thought I'd chime in and say that I was present in the ballroom in Kansas City where John Kerry made this speech. I also happened to find a seat next to another local UU Parish minister. I thought it was a rather impressive showing by Kerry. The other minister was even more impressed than I was.

Well, I'm off to watch the superbowl also. I'll be wearing my Brady jersey to boot. (The pardon works for me.)

Scott Wells:

February 1, 2004 04:57 PM | Permalink for this comment

I'll be doing other things than watching the Superbowl (blogging, shopping, cleaning, sticking toothpicks in eyes) but my hubby Jonathan is rooting for the Panthers so that's where my sympathies are.

Brady who?

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